Monday, August 1, 2011

Infidelity Over 50? . . . you bet!

Many people think that once you are over 50 infidelity ceases to be an issue. They are dead wrong!

According to infidelity coach, therapist, and expert with many years of experience, Dr. Robert Huizenga, the risk of infidelity goes up at certain predictable transition periods.

How about:
  • your last child going off to college? the empty nest syndrome?
  • retiring from your job?
  • one of you getting sick or disabled?
  • becoming aware (I mean really aware) that you aren't going to live forever?
Those and others related to our aging process will heighten the risk. Like the warning that the road surface on bridges and overpasses will freeze before the rest of the highway and to to careful, . . . the danger of getting involved in infidelity over 50 is very real and is predictably heightened around life changing events and perception.

Be careful out there! Don't get blindsided by an affair. Learn more about infidelity over 50.

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