Monday, January 21, 2008

You Tube/Facebook Over 50?

It wasn't that long ago that young people were appalled and offended to learn that their parents were getting into the social networking scene. It was, afterall, their turf. And, what could a bunch of old fuds possibly want there anyway? I mean, their lives are over aren't they?

As it turns out, there is lots that those of us in the over 50 set might want that we can access through social networking. It just may take us a while to figure out how we can use it.

And, no, our lives aren't over and it is no more the business of younger family members exactly what is in it for us than is the converse. Not a secret, but private nonetheless.

There is something incredible going on with all this. Exactly all of what it means probably won't be completely clear for a while. But it is already clear enough that after listening to one of his young employees for about and hour on the subject, Rupert Murdoch bought the company. So stay tuned.

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