Thursday, September 20, 2007

Depression in Relationships Over 50

If you are a guy in a relationship or are in a relationship with a guy, you might want to check out some of the thoughts about men and how they experience depression as well as why we are very unlikely to get help when we get into trouble. It has been proposed that men actually display depression in different ways than women do and this leads to all kinds of difficulties in relationships.

In his 1997 book I Don't Want to Talk About It, Terrence Real says

"The traditional socialization of boys and girls hurts them both, each in particular, complementary ways. Girls, and later women, tend to internalize pain. They blame themselves and draw distress into themselves. Boys, and later men, tend to externalize pain; they are more likely to feel victimized by other and to discharge stress through action." pg 24.

Hmm! Frankly, I haven't thought through all the ways either of those tendencies might prove to be a wild card in relationships, especially when you're trying to deal with one of each in the same relationship, but it sounds like a minefield to me!

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