Monday, January 28, 2008

Is There Really
A Senior Sexual Revolution?

There was a piece on Youtube recently where the description said something about the sexual revolution not happening in the high schools, but with senior citizens in the retirement homes. You can see that and related comments Here.

Now, admittedly we are hearing more and more about retirement facilities of all types finally getting the point that we are adults and that sexuality is part of adult life.

That there may be an institutional sexual revolution for seniors makes sense, but a revolution for the people themselves? I am not so sure about that one.

Until someone figures out how to remove effects of our society getting more open about sexuality from the observations I will be willing to bet that what people are doing is not a heck of a lot different from what it has been for some time. What people are saying they are doing is another thing all together and I suspect that that is just now coming closer in line with actions and that the revolution is in what we're willing to talk about.

1 comment:

Joan Price said...

Great to find your blog! Yes, we seniors are enjoying sex, and you're right -- the revolution is in talking out loud about it. We're fighting what I call the "ick factor" about older-age sexuality in our culture and especially the media. I'd love to have you and your readers visit my blog and see what we're talking about!

Joan Price
author of Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty (
Join us -- we're talking about ageless sexuality at