Monday, April 7, 2008

Fungus Toenails

As we get older our immune systems apparently get weaker. Why? How? I don't know, but it is a topic I plan on learning more about. As that progresses I'll post some notes here and on my website

Anyway, this leads to our becoming more prone to letting some of the multitude of organisms that surround us get more than a healthy amount of shared space and energy within our bodies.

A prime and obvious example is the fungus that finds the space between our nails and the nail beds on our toes and fingers such a nice, safe place to grow. The fungus has a good home and it is almost impossible to get fungicidal medicines in there to kill them or at least fight them back.


This kind of infection has its medical problems, effects, and treatments, but that isn't what I am addressing here. My question is -

How do fungus nails make you feel?

Do they contribute to your feeling old? less attractive? not attractive?

Do they make you less likely to - wear sandals? walk barefoot?

Do they affect how you feel sexually?


They are one of those things that won't kill you, but they do affect lives. And while they won't kill you, there is an internal medicine that you can take, but it doesn't have a 100% success rate and the potential side effects are serious.

Leaving us with one of those difficult treatment decisions that modern medicine seems to be making less rare with each new advance. There's a cure, but it doesn't always work and, oh by the way, sometimes the medicine has effects that are worse than the disease. There are natural remedies put forth, but do they work? Do I have the time and self-discipline to keep doing them long enough?

What's a person to do?

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