Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Conscious Relationship

Conscious relationship is a term that has been used for some time, but what does it mean and how can us older folks who aren't even sure what it means get value out of it?

For me, relating consciously means that
  • I am aware that there are two separate individuals each with their own strengths, weaknesses, needs, and history in the relationship
  • I view the relationship not only as a way to meet my own needs, but also to learn more about myself and to move closer to my ideals of how I would like to behave towards myself and others
  • I value relating as something that I experience in and of itself
  • I see the other person as a potential mirror for my own foibles and challenges and I for theirs.
Hopefully, the result of all of this is that by being conscious of myself in the relationship I can put more into it, get more out of it, and be more the kind of person that I aspire to be.

Tall order? Well, yes, I guess so, but what else are we to do? The conventional wisdom seems to only go so far. Some people do just fine with it, but lots of us don't.

Here's a chance to put it all into a perspective with lots of hope.

You can find a more complete (and hopefully clearer) discussion of conscious relationships at my website, www.better-relationships-over-50.com

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