Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Infidelity- Do You Want to Catch a Cheat?

There are people who can tell you how to catch a cheating spouse and if you are sure that's what you want to do, I encourage you to click on that link and go for it.

However, that's a pretty big "if you are sure" back there. And, it isn't really asking if you want to get the facts out on the table ever. The point is to ask if you are ready to deal with what you may find or not find now.

Either way --> they-are-having-an-affair or they-aren't-having-an-affair-but-aren't-being-a-lover-with-you <--, you are at the beginning of something, not the end. Finding out guilt or innocence isn't even the half of it.

So, before you break out the computer spy programs, semen detectors, reverse phone call programs, and the "exact words to get them to spill the beans", make sure you are ready for the next step(s).

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