Friday, November 16, 2007

Infidelity in Relationships Over 50

Infidelity may seem less likely as we get older, and there are logical reasons why this is could be so, but by this point in our lives habits and unresolved personal baggage can have a way of counteracting lessening of hormonal push. Sex may not be quite so compulsive, but the need to feel important and/or appreciated can be higher.

The core of dealing with cheating or fear of cheating in long term relationships is keeping the quality of the primary relationship high and keeping our mood and intention positive.

Sometimes, gnawing doubts make that almost impossible to do. If you think that a cheating spouse or partner may be what's affecting your relationship, before you call the private investigator you might want to educate yourself on how to read signs of infidelity giving yourself a fair chance to get your own personal inner work straight on the topic before confronting it with your partner.

You have lots more choices when you know what's going on.

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