Monday, July 7, 2008

Side Effects

The older we get, the more likely we are to be taking some kind of medicine or another and the more likely we are to being subject to drug side effects and interactions.

When prescribed a medicine,

  • ask the doctor what the side effects and possible drug interactions are.

  • When you pick it up ask the pharmacist about side effects and drug interactions.

  • If possible, get all your drugs at the same place so that they can tell you about possible interactions.

  • Ask for the complete set of notes that comes with the medicine and hope that the printer wasn't using the latest in nano-typesetting.

  • Then get a magnifier so that you can read the tiny tiny print, or look it up on the internet and set the print size on "gigantic" again so that you can read it.

There are so many things about medicines, herbs, spices, etc. that no one ever thinks to tell people that can mess things up.

For example, I just read today that garlic might be really good for circulation, cholesterol, and blood pressure (the scientific jury is still out and the anecdotal evidence depends on who you're talking to), but that it should be stopped before surgery and dental procedures as it can make blood clotting slower. Wow! I've had surgery and I've had teeth pulled and I've never had anyone ask about my garlic intake.

Maybe it isn't a big factor, maybe it is, I don't know. But, I do know that it is easy enough to lay off the garlic for a few days just in case. I'd like to decide something like that for myself. Can't hurt. Might be unnecessary. Might really help, especially if I am taking other things that thin blood or something like that.

I guess that the more we know, the better we can take care of ourselves.

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