Monday, July 28, 2008

Senior Relationships

Saying that someone is simply narcissistic has always been a good conversation ender. Works like a charm, but what the heck does it mean?

Is it simply intended to be a longer word for selfish?

Or, is it an effort a psychologizing?

I fear that if you are really dealing with a person with a narcissistic personality disorder or even a narcissistic personality style, it is probably a waste of time to tell them this because they don't care what you think. Of course if we have it wrong, we probably will hurt the recipient's feelings and damage the relationship.

Selfish is something that I can be at a particular time or on a particular topic, but is something that can be transitory. Labeling a person as "one of those" be it narcissistic, paranoid, or sociopathic is a dead end. Better left alone.

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