Saturday, December 15, 2007

Menstrual Cycle/Money Cycle?

Researchers at the University of New Mexico, Geoffery Miller and Brent Jones, have compared earnings of lap dancers with where they are in their menstrual cycles and have found that when they are ovulating, they make significantly more money per hour. I believe it was $30 per hour more than when menstruating and $15 per hour more than the rest of the cycle.

How does that happen? I don't think anyone knows yet.

Does it mean that you should never buy a used car from a woman who is ovulating, or that female salespeople and in other business roles should time their dealmaking to their cycles? No one knows that yet either, but the Harvard Business Review may be holding a spot for those results as soon as they come out.

And, to those of us in the age range where most women have stopped ovulating, does it mean anything at all?

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