Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beware of Communication in Relationships

Conventional wisdom would have us think that good communication is what it takes to have good relationships. That's partly right, but it depends.

What it depends on is what we communicate. If we are effective at letting our partners know that we appreciate them, support them, feel good when we are around them, then that builds the relationship.

Actually, couples who are having problems are often very good at communicating how bad they feel to each other.

Communication, then, isn't usually the problem, it's what we choose to communicate that either builds or tears down to feelings of closeness and safety necessary for a good relationship.

Unlike many lifestyle changes, keeping what we communicate to our partners positive and supportive changes things right away. As seniors it seems like we're deluged with things we should be doing, the results of which we may not feel for weeks or months or perhaps never. It's nice to find one that kicks in right away.

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