Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Managing Conflict: I'm Rich! I'm Poor!

Managing relationship conflict seems to have some of the characteristics of managing ones emotions in business situations.

Some years ago in a course on how to trade commodities futures contracts the presenter described trading highly leveraged commodities as a roller coaster ride of emotions - "I'm Rich, I'm Poor". The problem, she noted, is that good, clear thinking is pretty hard to do both when we're elated and when we're bummed out. And, that is exactly what's between the theoretical returns of a trading system and what most people get out of it.

At least in the world I see around me, there seems to be a similar "I'm loved/loveable : I'm unappreciated/I'm unlovable" roller coaster ride going on in intimate relationships with similar results. (And it is commonly estimated that 90% of commodities traders lose money.)

Some traders remember their system and follow it almost all the time. I suspect it's the same for lovers. Have you found anything particularly helpful in smoothing out the emotional roller coaster for better living and loving? You'll find some here.

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