Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mindfulness Practice For Seniors:
. . . . . . A Skeleton Key?
..................or A Waste Of Time?

Mindfulness practice of one kind or another probably offers more help in difficult and changing times than anything else someone could suggest. Why?

Mindfulness practice is totally generic and at the same time it is totally personal.

  • The only belief that it starts with is that the answer to whatever we're asking is there to be found, if we'll only stop talking and stop thinking long enough to allow it to be observed.

  • Whatever we observe, experience, come to, will necessarily come through us in the right form and way for us.

Next time someone tries to tell you that they know exactly what you should do in your relationships, in your sex life, in your thoughts, they may be telling you exactly the right thing, . . . . but that will probably be for them.

Mindfulness practice is the generic tool that returns the specific solution.

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